
Plant Operation Advisor

Asset Management Application


GE Oil& Gas wanted to improve the profitability and revenue of their customer's offshore operation by reducing unplanned production downtime. They needed a solution that reduces the risk by providing an early warning and advisory system for facility health.


Design and Co-Create software solution with customers to provide holistic view of their platform in the Gulf of Mexico. Leverage and extend GE's APM framework to create a new solution that will provide process surveillance and predictive analytic tools to provide early warnings of potential facility issues.

My Role

Research Participation, Customer Engagement, Design Lead (Stakeholder Coordination, Wireframing, Design Review and Collaboration with Framework team)


We had a very aggressive timeline while we were transitioning from a project to product framework. This required a one week design sprint going from requirements, Rapid sketching session with customer/ internal stakeholders and Wireframing and design review with framework team for product consistency and provide sprint drops to dev team.


Below is our design process to get customer feedback and align with APM (Asset Performance Management) framework.


Iterative Sketches for rapid exploration and review with customers.

Final Design

Our design system is Card-based UX approach which groups related information in a container. Each card provides a high level information and the user can drill down to the dedicated views from the dashboard.


GE Fastworks with design thinking and rapid iterative approach brought customer confidence and satisfaction. This win paved the way for a multi-year GE-BP collaboration.